Memories to Cherish as time passes by..

I have managed to include some pictures of my life which i think is good for my frenz too to remember...for me its joy to bring my locality and happenings.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Know Beedies:Beedies are being inspected before they are been sent for packing. Posted by Picasa


At 1:44 AM, November 02, 2005 , Blogger Unknown said...

How come u r not there to check the beedi quality???

U should smoke some and then certify.

Have fun, keep bloggin man.

At 10:23 AM, November 02, 2005 , Blogger Mohamed said...

I do chek the beedi but in secret rooms Arunda...its fun to do it that way....hihi,especially in toilets...haaahahaha.


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