Memories to Cherish as time passes by..

I have managed to include some pictures of my life which i think is good for my frenz too to remember...for me its joy to bring my locality and happenings.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

India Inside

The highway on the way to my factory...its surrounded by hills and has thousands of windmills by its side...wish to own a 100 of them soon. Posted by Picasa

A road near the market area in a town in Tamil Nadu. Posted by Picasa

This is where i work and what i do...

My Company. Posted by Picasa

My Company view 2. Posted by Picasa

Know Beedies:Beedies being Oven baked for its right proportion of smoke and taste.The baking can influence the taste of beedies in a bigger way. Posted by Picasa

Know Beedies:This is the packing of MSP branded beedies and this brand yields 70% of our income. Posted by Picasa

Know Beedies:Beedies are being inspected before they are been sent for packing. Posted by Picasa

Know Beedies:Packing section of MSP Special branded beedies. Posted by Picasa

Know Beedies:Supervisors checking the beedies from the roller women. Posted by Picasa

My house in Tirunelveli in TamilNadu...its wer am now-a-days Posted by Picasa