Memories to Cherish as time passes by..

I have managed to include some pictures of my life which i think is good for my frenz too to remember...for me its joy to bring my locality and happenings.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A truck being loaded with Beedi leaves.

The Busy Bhopal Railway Station....busy???

All street vendors in Madhya Pradesh are spending 40% of their earnings in buying water.The sun is very loveable to them.

National Highway,This is the Kerala-Tamil Nadu Border.A place called kaliyakkavilai

MohanLal movies,are still a festival in Kerala.A scene outside a cinema house in Trivandrum.

The high range roads of Kerala is so much fun to drive.

Tea Plantations are the main attraction and Business in Idukki District of Kerala

A beautiful statue of a nomad couple at the top of a hill in a place called Ramackal Medu in Kerala