Memories to Cherish as time passes by..

I have managed to include some pictures of my life which i think is good for my frenz too to remember...for me its joy to bring my locality and happenings.

Friday, September 16, 2005

This Onam Special traditional flower carpet known as the "atham" Posted by Picasa

My sister-in-law n Kid in front of Kerala's Secreteriate. Posted by Picasa

My Dad,Mom,N Brother's family having the traditional Lunch of Kerala(Ona Sadhya).I was taking the picture but you can see the reserved banana leaf for me..hihihi Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Its Onam here...

Its Onam and fun all around the state and even more in Trivandrum.Its all bout Payasam (a sweet).Every corner of the city has Payasam Melas.People celeberate drinking them. Posted by Picasa

The City in lights for the Grand Festival of Kerala..Onam. Posted by Picasa

Its the meusium building coumpoud where its grand for Onam. Posted by Picasa

My brother (Shahul) and his kid. Posted by Picasa

The Legislative assembly of Kerala.Its in my City,Trivandrum which happens to be the capital. Posted by Picasa

the festive season attracting more people to the city. Posted by Picasa

My home...always nice and happy.

My Father(atha)and my bro's daughter. Posted by Picasa

Just a road outside my house and our locality is being named after us "MSP NAGAR" Posted by Picasa

Evenings its fun to sit here and relax...its in my home. Posted by Picasa

Small Garden we hav in our house. Posted by Picasa

My home in Kerala. Posted by Picasa

Visit to Singapore For Graduation.

Me Bob and Anu in Mustafa. Posted by Picasa

Queenstown MRT station.We lived just a walk distance from here. Posted by Picasa

A view from the 24th floor of the Queens Condo.What you see is Alexandra Road and the MRT going towards the Redhill Station. Posted by Picasa

me and Shri in his house on the 13th sep. Posted by Picasa

Winston,Me,Cheryl and Sumar in Changi to see off Anu.As usual An never had shortage of tears..huhuhu Posted by Picasa

me n Winston.Winston was going nuts repairing an antique laptop ending up in Winston's friend come home and carry on with the bloody laptop which belonged to a well known Ass. Posted by Picasa

me relaxing in Queens Condo...Anu remembers this sure...hihihi. Posted by Picasa

Me and Anu,Bob taking the picture.We in a Nepalese restaurant...i had biriyani...yup Bob payed for me. Posted by Picasa

Miser.Bob checking how much of food is Winston taking from his plate. Posted by Picasa

They arent the Queens...plz dun mistake. Posted by Picasa

Bob and Thala....while the former had a wine the latter had a wife. Posted by Picasa